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银光老年协会在2004年10月成立于北维州,是在Virginia州政府注册的非牟利性,非政治性, 非宗教性的民间团体,目前注册的美籍老年华人和在美的中国老人已超过800人, 我们的活动场所有五个,分布在Herndon Senior Center, 希望中文学校等处, 老人们可就近参加活动, 这些地方已成为老人们喜欢的家.活动内容包括:
学习提高: | 英语口语和会话: 根据原有英语程度, 分成快班和慢班, 计算机应用讲座,书法绘画, 小提琴教学等. |
信息交流: |
老人福利 ; 医疗保健; 时事和社区信息.
娱乐健身: |
合唱及戏曲练习;棋牌活动; 学跳交谊舞; 民族舞, 组织旅游. 太极 ( 拳, 剑, 扇 );健身操等.
除了每周的经常性活动,在中国的传统节日,例如春节, 重阳节等, 银光老年协会举办一些庆祝活动,还多次在 Fairfax County 组织的老年聚会及多元文化节中演出, 弘扬中国传统文化, 受到欢迎和好评. 银光老年协会积极服务社区,经常协助Herndon Senior Center开展各种有利于老人身心健康的活动,如乒乓赛,才艺交流等. 还积极配合联邦卫生局多次在本地区宣传新的医疗保健政策,今年4月12日, 又参与了布什总统和劳工部赵晓兰部长亲自参加的, 对亚裔社区有关Medicare 的宣传活动. Fairfax County社区服务部门, 称赞银光老年协会的志愿服务精神, 并表彰 这个组织为社区服务作出的贡献. 银光老年协会丰富多彩的活动, 大大地提高了老人们海外生活的质量,把身处异国他乡的孤独寂寞,改变成活跃的群体生活,这个集体,的确激活了不少老年人已不敏感的神经,除了家务事,还能参加丰富的社会活动, 结识许多新的朋友. 银光老年协会还创建了《银光网站》,网址: www.silver-light.org 它是银光会员的园地,充分显示大家才能的舞台,内容丰富多彩, 使会员和他们的亲朋好友都能及时了解《银光》的活动和信息.
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如果您想进一步了解银光老年协会的性质和宗旨, 请点击下面的链接:
银光老年协会章程 (2015年5月修改版)
银光理事会换届流程 (2024年7月4日)
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会员交流信息 合唱<银光颂>
A Brief Introduction of the Silver Light Seniors Association
The Silver Light Seniors Association was established in October 2004 in the Northern Virginia . which is a non-profit, non-political and non-religious organization with more than 500 senior Chinese Americans and senior Chinese in America joined. It mainly carries out its activities in Herndon Senior Center, several branches of the Hope Chinese School and other places. The seniors can join activities near their homes. Therefore, these places have turned out to be new homes loved by the old people. The activities include:
1. Learning:
2. Information exchange:
3. Recreation and body-building exercise: Besides regular weekly activities mentioned above, the Silver Light Seniors Association sponsors a lot of celebrations of Chinese traditional festivals such as Spring Festival, Chongyang Festival (the seniors’ day) and others as well. Moreover, the association has also sponsored get-togethers and taken part in performance at Multiple-cultural festivals to spread Chinese traditional culture, which has been very well received. The Silver Light Seniors Association is actively at the service of the local community. For instance, it often helps Herndon Senior Center to sponsor various activities such as Ping-pong game and art and talent showing. It has also helped the US Department of Health and Human Services to explain the new Medicare policy in the local community several times. For example, on April 12, 2006, the association participated in a conversation with Asian Pacific Americans attended by President Bush and Secretary of Labor Elaine L. Chao on Medicare Prescription Drug Program. Fairfax County Community Service Agency honored the Silver Light Seniors Association for her most valued and dedicated services to the community, highly commenting the volunteering spirit of the SLSA. The rich and colorful activities sponsored by the Silver Light Seniors Association have greatly improved the life quality of the Chinese seniors, turning their dull and lonely life abroad into a rich and colorful life with many companions, enabling the seniors to have an opportunity to take part in social activities and get acquainted with new friends. The Silver Light Seniors Association has also set up its own web site --- www.silver-light.org, a field for all the members of the Silver Light Seniors Association to show their talent. It enables the members and their friends to know the association’s activities and news without delay.
Thank you for your concern and support.
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