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性质和宗旨: 银光老年协会成立于2004年10月23日(农历九月初九)的重阳节。 是一个在(Virginia)弗吉尼亚州政府和联邦税务署正式注册,符合IRS 501(C) (3)条款的民间团体。

银光老年协会是一个非盈利、非政治和非宗教的民间组织。我们的宗旨是通过发扬 “奉献、团结、包容、服务”的银光精神,竭尽所能提供服务。协会以团结和服务本地华裔老人和社区为宗旨。帮助老人了解美国文化,注重强身益智,发展社交娱乐,丰富老年生活;推动华裔老人遵守法律规章,维护应有权益。

NATURE AND PURPOSE: Silver Light Seniors Association (SLSA) was founded on 10/23/2004, the day when Chinese people celebrate Chong Yang Senior’s Festival. It is registered with Virginia State Corporation Commission and with Internal Revenue Service (IRS) as a 501(C) (3) organization.

SLSA is a non-profit, non-political and non-religious civic organization. The motto of SLSA are “Dedication, Unity, Inclusiveness and Service”. The mission of SLSA is to

- unite and provide services to the senior immigrants of Chinese-descent in local communities,
- help them understand the American culture,
- focus them on keeping physically and mentally fit,
- provide recreational activities & promote social interactions to enrich life;
- assist Chinese elderly in understanding and abiding by U.S. laws and regulations,
- safeguard their rights and interests.


活动和奉献: 为了实现宗旨,协会提供并鼓励会员通过参与协会和地区老年中心组织的各项有意义的活动,开办音乐舞美,读书讲座,实用技术,烹调厨艺,太极瑜伽,旅游观光等,充实自己,愉悦身心。


PRACTICE AND CONTRIBUTION: To achieve the mission, SLSA, in coordination with local senior centers, provides services and inspires members to enjoy living by engaging in a wide variety of meaningful activities and events, such as music, dance, visual art, reading, lectures, practical skills (English language, computer technology), culinary skills, Tai-Chi, yoga, travel and sightseeing, etc.

SLSA also provides opportunities and encourages member to donate and participate in free multicultural public performances in communities and senior homes. Liaising with Senior and Health departments of state & county, SLSA

- holds lectures regarding federal health insurance and disease prevention & control,
- organizes annual free medical check-ups for seniors with low income and/or no health insurance.

All these services rely entirely on volunteers and public donations!


初衷和愿景: 成立的初衷是为了帮助新来的老年华人同胞适应美国的生活,逐步融入社区,传承中华文化。因此凡是居住在北维州,年龄在50岁以上的华裔老人, 同意本会宗旨, 均可自愿报名,填表申请,成为会员。注册会员已经从初期的150多人,在十八年内发展到1500多人,分设12个分会。

我们的愿景是通过发扬 “奉献、团结、包容、服务”的银光精神,竭尽所能提供服务,以满足华裔老人的社交,娱乐,健体和智力需求。力图把银光老年协会建设成为一个为华裔老人老有所学,老有所为和老有所乐的活动之家。

ORIGINAL INTENT AND VISION: The original intention for the founding of SLSA was to assist the newly immigrated Chinese seniors to adjust to the life in the U.S., integrate into the U.S. Community, and maintain their inherited Chinese culture. Any Virginia resident of Chinese descent, whose age is 50 and above, who agrees with the mission and purpose of SLSA, can apply for membership by filling in a membership application form. The registered members of SLSA, covering 12 branches, have grown from an initial number of 150 to more than 1,500 in 18 years.

Our vision is to serve American-Chinese seniors by adhering to the SLSA’s spirit of “Dedication, Unity, Inclusiveness and Service” to meet their needs in the physical, intellectual, social, and recreational areas. The association is committed to helping the SLSA members learn, contribute, and have fun.


  ** 这是一群活跃在华盛顿地区的华裔银发族。
  ** 这是一批多才多艺的老人,始终处在被需要的位置上无怨无悔。
  ** 他们也是饱经风霜的长者,也需要在陌生的环境中调节身心。



The words of the first council:
  After more than a year of preparation, the Silver Light Seniors Association has opened on the day when Chinese people celebrated Chong Yang Senior Festival in 2004.
  ** These Association seniors are the elderly who are active in the metropolitan area.
  ** This is a group of versatile old adults who have been in the position of being needed, no complains and regrets.
  ** This is a crowd of experienced seniors coming to the unfamiliar country, needing to adjust their lifestyles physically and mentally in the old age.
  The Silver Light Seniors Association provides a home to seniors in the Northern Virginia area where they can learn, work and have fun in their golden years.

We, as first core Association members, will work together with those who support the Silver Light Seniors Association and help to make it a lovely and wonderful home. We sincerely wish them a happy and long life. Thank you.


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